R Shiny: A Dungeons and Dragons Character Generator
Shiny is an R package designed to build apps in R. These can be used to build dashboards, create interactive graphics, you name it! Around the time I discovered Shiny, a friend suggested that it would be fun to have an app that automatically generated Dungeons and Dragons characters. Making a fun project out of it is my favorite way to learn something new, so I spent a few hours tackling the basic Shiny app. Thus, the Character Generator was born! It’s not pretty (although that is perhaps a future project), but it was fun to build. These days, when I have a few minutes to play around with Shiny I’m working on adding a mad libs type character backstory generator. These projects may not have a lot of useful real-world applications, but it’s helped me build a skillset with Shiny. Interested in how it works? You can download the R files for the Character Generator here.