Math & Stats at Sac State
Courses Taught
- STAT 1 Introduction to Statistics
- STAT 115A Introduction to Probability Theory
- STAT 115B Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
- STAT 128 Statistical Computing
- STAT 140A Linear Models
- STAT 140B (STAT 196M) Statistical Learning
- STAT 199 Independent Study
- MATH 26A Calculus I for the Social and Life Sciences
- MATH 107A Fundamental Mathematical Concepts
Selected Course Materials
- Introduction to Statistics (Open source Stat 1 course notes.)
- A list of my Shiny Apps and the code to run them.
- Online Mini-Lectures (2020-2021 School Year)
Note: much of the captioning for the mini-lectures was generated automatically by YouTube. If you notice any inaccurate or confusing captions, please let me know and I will get them fixed as soon as possible.