Homework 1: Due October 3

Homework 1: Due October 3

Homeworks should be done on paper with a physical copy turned in to your TA at the start of discussion. Grading will be based on completeness as well as accuracy. In order to receive credit, you must show all your work. For any textbook question using p-values, you may use either the p-value approach or the test statistic approach.

Section 4.1 (pg. 142) # 4.3

Section 5.1 (pg. 179) # 5.3

Section 7.1 (pg. 259) #7.2, 7.7, 7.11

The average weight of a male labrador retriever is believed to be well-approximated by a normal distribution with mean 71.5 lbs and standard deviation 7.5 lbs. A veterinarian is skeptical of this claim and takes a random sample of 15 labs that come into her clinic. The 15 labs have an average weight of 80 lbs. Use the test statistic approach at the 5% level to test if the vet’s data suggests that our original belief is incorrect.