Statistical Computing (Stat 128)

Selected course materials for Stat 128 (Fall 2022). Class is presented as a hands-on workthrough of each lab. If you want to go through the lab, I recommend downloading the original RMarkdown file and working through it in RStudio. Original RMarkdown files can be found here. Labs borrow heavily from work by Rebecca Kurtz-Garcia.


  1. Introduction to R, RStudio, and RMarkdown
  2. Vectors and Factors
  3. Lists
  4. Matrices and Data Frames
  5. Working with Data Sets
  6. Functions
  7. If Statements
  8. Base R Plotting
  9. Loops
  10. Apply Type Functions
  11. Some Inference (adapted from a lab by Josh Edge)
  12. Regression
  13. Recursive Partitioning (adapted from Clark Fitzgerald’s Stat 128 rpart code).
  14. Simulation
  15. Bootstrap (adapted from James Flegal)
  16. ggplot2
  17. TidyVerse
  18. Text Data